Felix the Cyka

When I was a child I used to be a great fan of Felix the Cat, it was my favourite cartoon. Then I grew up and I totally forgot about Felix.
Now I'm 10, after I took some pocket money from my parents I decided, as a good kid, to use those money to take an airplane for Russia and fuck many bitches. But while I was walking on the street I saw a Sega Genesis game on the floor, there was just with a write on it. "FELIX THE CYKA". As I genius, I decided to take it, and, when I came back at home, I decided to try it.
The game was a normal game, except that in the game over screen...I couldn't believe of what I was seeing. AN HYPER REALISTIC FELIX THE CAT WAS RIPPING OFF IN A HYPER REALISTIC WAY HIS FACE FROM THE HEAD, SHOWING AN HYPER REALISTIC SKULL IN A HYPER REALISTIC POOL OF HYPER REALISTIC BLOOD. What kind of hyper realistic cyka would ever made something like this???
After what happened, I wasn't the same. My life is changed...now...it's more...hyper realistic...also the file on the game was called cyka.exe (even that it wasn't a pc game), pretty hyper realistically spooky huh?